Every day people are accused of assaulting their spouses, family members or live-in partners in Broward County. Valentine’s Day, which came and went in February, was no different. Eleven people were arrested or spent time in jail on that day based on allegations they of domestic violence.
One man was accused of assaulting a male friend whom he accused of exchanging text messages with his fiancee. During the arrest, police used a stun gun to subdue him. Another man was accused of punching his girlfriend. Yet another faced accusations he assaulted his mother.
One call center for battered women took 35 emergency calls. Operators there said this was just an average day for them.
Domestic assault charges carry serious consequences. In addition to possible jail time, those who face accusations of bodily injury against a loved one are often the subject of a temporary restraining order which can force them to move out of their home and prevent them from seeing their children. In addition, they suffer a damaged reputation and if convicted, may face difficulty obtaining employment and housing.
Family violence is a serious matter. But so are false accusations that lead to criminal charges. And unfortunately, false accusations are common when it comes to domestic violence. Sometimes the false charges are made by a spouse or significant other who is acting out of anger or jealousy. Sometimes the accuser is the person who actually initiated the violence, and the accused was simply acting in self-defense. Whatever the reason, the stakes are high when allegations like this are made, and anyone accused of domestic violence needs to assert a vigorous defense.
Source: Sun-Sentinel, “Valentine’s Day turns violent for some lovers,” Ihosvani Rodriguez, Feb. 15, 2013