Seeing those blue lights in your rear-view mirror may cause you stress and anxiety, regardless of whether you have anything in your vehicle that could land you in hot water. Staying calm when authorities pull you over may help you avoid finding yourself in trouble,...
Month: July 2020
Good news or bad news? Florida imprisonment rate drops
In the past, Florida had high imprisonment rates. That is probably due to strict supervision violation policies, mandatory minimum sentences and limited release options. Times are changing, and the rate of imprisonment is dropping. The jury is out on whether that is a...
Orange County authorities make arrest based on algae evidence
Law enforcement officers in Fort Lauderdale literally have a treasure trove of scientific tools and resources at their disposal to assist in the investigation of crimes. General public opinion and popular media may lead many people to simply assume that such tools are...
Keep your temporary restraining order from becoming permanent
If someone accuses you of domestic violence, often the first step your accuser will take is filing for a restraining order, also called an injunction in Florida. Restraining orders are actually a civil matter separate from any criminal charges you may face. They can...