Understanding how to go about creating a criminal defense may be a daunting task for some individuals. Luckily, there is information available that can help parties who have been accused of drug crimes or involvement in other alleged illegal activity. Individuals can determine what defensive strategies may work best for their situations and what courses to follow as their cases move forward.
One individual in Florida may be gathering such information after he was charged with an alleged crime. It was reported that the man was a police officer and had been contacted by a woman who asked him to bring her pain medication. The man reportedly met with the woman and allegedly attempted to give her prescription medication he had in a baggie. It was also noted that the man purportedly made sexual advances toward the woman which she rejected.
The woman apparently contacted the authorities after the incident. She claimed that she did not take any of the pills that the man had in the baggie. As a result of the alleged situation, the man is facing charges relating to drug distribution and battery. He is currently on voluntary unpaid leave.
Due to the allegations leveled against him, the man may wish to determine how to create a meaningful defense. By gathering information relating to criminal proceedings in Florida pertaining to drug crimes, he may be better able to prepare for the circumstances. Additionally, he may wish to assess his situation with his legal counsel in order to feel more comfortable with the legal avenues he wishes to pursue.
Source: jacksonville.com, “Jacksonville patrol officer arrested Thursday on battery, drug charges“, Joe Daraskevich, June 18, 2015